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Best Molded Cranberry Relish – This molded cranberry relish always makes it on the menu for a perfect Thanksgiving dinner.
Not only is it an easy cranberry and orange relish recipe, it may become your favorite Thanksgiving holiday side dish.
It’s not exactly this cook’s idea of a “relish” because it is quite sweet as a relish. Nor do I consider it a salad but some do. To me, it tastes more like Jello® dish full of yummy fruit to be enjoyed after all the savory flavors. It’s a clear gelatin version of whole berry cranberry sauce.
For Christmas 1972, I received a 768 page encyclopedic cookbook as a gift from my boss.
Want to compare this one with other recipes?
Check out more amazing fresh cranberry and orange relish recipes
Along with the hefty book came a couple wishes from Dr. Schwartz. One was that I would, over the years, use it well and #2 that I would find at least one recipe which would become a family favorite.
Dr. Schwartz, your wishes have come true.
At Thanksgiving in ’73, I prepared what I think is the best molded cranberry relish in cranberry Jello®. It was thick with fresh chopped cranberries and oranges and has become a must have on our Thanksgiving table.
That year, my sister and a friend made the trip to North Carolina to visit and nearly polished off the entire mold between them!
In case you wonder… the molded cranberry relish tastes 10 x better than any canned or jarred version.
These days even if dinner happens not to be at Great Grandma’s house, the relish better make the trip. It has become part of the must have selection of dishes.
The cranberry relish can be prepared in individual fluted molds but you might as well use that large 1 1/2 quart ring mold. The vintage kind.
It’s SO good, we serve it both as a salad or a dessert and of course, next to the turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
Into Jello® molds and gelatin salads? I inherited my mother in law’s collection of original Mirro® coppertone molds along with all her favorite gelatin salad recipes!
The first version of this molded cranberry relish barely made it to the Thanksgiving table. It was eaten as a Jello dessert – long before we sat down to dinner.
Preparing Homemade Cranberry Relish
Keywords: gelatin, cranberries, Thanksgiving
Ready to be unmolded, here is the relish, chilled to perfection in my mother in law’s Mirro® Jello® mold.
Cranberry Relish In Vintage Jello Copper Mold
Indeed, just as Mrs. Ressler added to her recipe below, we too eat it as a relish and a dessert. Enjoy!
A few years ago, a website visitor shared her version of the #1 side dish on the Thanksgiving table: B. Ressler submitted the following recipe:
Makes 8 to 10 servings.
We serve it both as a salad or a dessert!
We hope you’ll try what we consider to be a great recipe for the best cranberry relish!
Best Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes: #menuideas
1 Cook, 2 Countries & A Taste For World Cuisines: Cooking A La Mode De Chez Nous - Cuisine d'Hier Et d'Aujourd'hui! For the love of home style cooking and great food. Memories are made of this!