Quick & Easy Jelly Roll Cake: Bake Some Old Fashioned Memories


By La Cuisinière | French Country Cuisine Recipes

May 11
Homestyle Jelly Roll

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Easy Jelly Roll Cake – There is nothing yummier than coming home from school to this simple sweet treat – a light sponge cake filled jams or jellies put up the summer before.  Raspberry (framboises) and currants (groseilles rouges) are my favorite.

Un roulé à la confiture!   In other words…a jelly roll or comfort food in its easiest and yummiest form – a moist sponge cake filled the best fruit jam or jelly from last season…the kind Grandma used to bake as if by magic.  

Hesitate to make a jelly roll cake?  No more.  Use this silicone cake rolling mat !

(c) Can Stock Photo / margouillat

Jelly Roll (c) Can Stock Photo / margouillat

Chef Damien and Chef Christophe host a wonderful French cooking forum and cook up a storm in a town located a short distance from my hometown.

Their recipe, along with other culinary treasures from this region of northern France (which also happens to be our hometown “county”) can be found on their informative website.

They also have a version with raspberry jam (my favorite) and Nutella… to die for right? If you would like their recipe translated, let me know.

Hot To Make A Quick & Easy Jelly Roll Cake

Time for our rolled spongecake layered with fruit preserves. It’s home style cooking on the sweet side.

Quick, easy, economical and about 30 minutes from start to finish.

Roulé à la Confiture

  • 150 grammes de sucre (5 1/3 ounces of sugar)
  • 200 grammes de farine (7 ounces of flour)
  • 3 oeufs (3 eggs)
  • 100 grammes de beurre (4 ounces of butter, softened)
  • 2 pots de confiture (2 pots of jam or jelly)
Homestyle Jelly Roll

Homestyle Jelly Roll – Photo Courtesy © www.750g.com

Step by Step Recipe In French and English

Fouettez sur feu doux 150 grammes de sucre avec 3 eoufs entiers.

Over low heat, whip the sugar and 3 whole eggs.

Quand votre appareil est mousseux, retirer le du feu et laisser refroidir tout en fouettant.

When your mixture is frothy, remove from the heat and continue whipping as the mixture cools.

Incorporez alors 200 grammes de farine et 100 grammes de beurre ramolli a l’entrée du four.

At this point, incorporate the flour and the softened butter.

Mettez de l’epaisseur d’un doight cette pate sur une tole carrée a bords huilée et faites cuire sur four doux j’usqu’a ce qu’elle soit dorée – 1/2 heure suffit;

On a greased jelly roll pan (better yet a non-stick 15 by 10 inch pan), spread the batter about 3/4 of an inch thick.  Bake in a low oven until golden – about 30 minutes should suffice.

Demoulez le en vous aidant d’un couteau, versez dessus une couche de confiture et roulez pour former le gateau.

With the help of sharp knife, unmold the sponge cake.  Spread with the jam or jelly and roll it gently to shape the cake.

French Country Cuisine Recipes


Use sugar free preserves to save a few calories in this quick to prepare dessert.  I think I need to sample another slice of my easy jelly roll cake. 🙂

More French Country Style Baked Goodness!

  • Cherry Clafoutis – Make it with your favorite summer fruits!
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About the Author

1 Cook, 2 Countries & A Taste For World Cuisines: Cooking A La Mode De Chez Nous - Cuisine d'Hier Et d'Aujourd'hui! For the love of home style cooking and great food. Memories are made of this!

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