De’s Personal Cookbook

De’s personal cookbook is going virtual with a collection of recipes used in our family over the past fifty to more than 100 years.

It is her way of collecting favorite recipes from years gone by right up to today.  These recipes range from faded, hand written slips of paper tucked away in old ledgers to well worn cookbooks.

No more “Mom, do you remember when you made….” or “Do you still have the recipe for…” or “How did you prepare…” associated with the guilt of not knowing where I stashed the recipe!

Family members can now access and print out their favorite everyday or seasonal recipes, wherever they may be, and I can gather decades worth of recipe clippings and streamline them into one neat online heritage cookbook.

Gathering favorite recipes seems to be a family thing that goes back at least four generations, on both sides of the Atlantic.

In fact, our recipe collection includes newspaper clippings from 1898. We even started a collection of traditional holiday recipes – all family favorites. With a very unique and diverse cultural heritage to draw from, our holiday gatherings are unique in their combination of traditional favorites.

Our holiday festivities range from a traditional American Thanksgiving celebration to the equally traditional French Réveillon.

Speaking of recipes passed down through generations, we are not the only family which treasures their tasty traditions by cataloging their comfort food recipes.

Be a fearless cook! Try out new ideas and new recipes, but always buy the freshest and finest ingredients, whatever they may be. Furnish your kitchen with the most solid and workmanlike equipment you can find. Keep your knives ever sharp and toujours bon appetit!  Julia Child

Welcome to our kitchen where we keep these tasty “food crafting” traditions alive by cooking “à la mode de chez nous”.  In other words – home style!

Food Crafting through our personal cookbook is a continual “work in progress” type blog as we document our recipes from day to day. It also features recipes we re-discover, update or re-invent using ingredients available today versus those available to past generations of family cooks.

Leaf through the Archives for assorted recipes. You can also follow us on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.

Home Style Food Crafting – Vintage Recipes From Our Personal Cookbook

Miss Mom or Grandma’s and even Great-grandma’s home style cooking? Luckily, we still have many handwritten recipes preserved on well worn recipe cards or scraps of paper and handed down from generation to generation.

Among our favorites are the “quantity” recipes for Great-grandma’s potato and chicken salad *dressing*.   The salads were sold on Saturday mornings at the family food stand in the Third Street “farmer’s market”, right next to the old Fire Station.

We have such a variety of favorite “home style” and “traditional” recipes that preparing a menu for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve meals is always an interesting process.

This year is no exception…whose favorite dish will make it to the table? Or do we prepare them all?

Looks like we’ll be cooking for a week! And it will all be gone in a matter of minutes…

Bon Appétit!

De Ashton

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