De's Home Style Food Crafting

Brownie Recipes

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Brownie Recipe Chocolate MessThis is our chocoholic’s guide to the best brownie recipes in the family’s baking arsenal.

Do you have a favorite brownie recipe…one you consider the best? Care to share?

Chocolate is the flavor of choice for nearly every member of this family.

It does not matter if it comes in the form of cake, cookies, brownies, trifle or mousse.

This page is reserved for all our best brownie recipes and we start by sharing a vintage creation – a recipe written up in November 1934 as part of a classroom assignment in a Home Arts class.

Brownies are basic chocolate goodness and we’re going to share our best brownie recipes.

In our house, you never have to ask twice if people want brownies – ours is a house of certified chocoholics.

Nor are they partial to any particular type of brownie – with nuts or without – with chocolate chips, caramel or maybe all three.

They even like their cookie-based cousin, the “Blondie”, especially with M&M’s® and brownie fruit bars.

Margaret's Brownie RecipeWe’ve had brownies with frosting, as cherry chocolate bars, heart-shaped for Valentine’s Day, even brownies that make you go “Is it a brownie or a soft and chewy chocolate chip cookie”?

That particular version is truly the best of both worlds for even the average sweet tooth.

However, our best brownie treat is a brownie paired with ice cream for a great sundae.   The “Chocolate Mess” is a family favorite – moist and chewy brownies paired with pudding, a whipped topping and any type of fruit. 

We’ve used raspberries, strawberries and cherry pie filling.

It’s pretty as a picture in the trifle dish, but ends up as one, big gooey mess once it’s served. No matter how you make them, brownies will always put a smile on your loved one’s faces.

However, first place honors go to a vintage brownie recipe scribbled on a yellowing piece of paper.

It may not be the most gourmet version of these chocolate goodies, or considered a blue ribbon winner, but it is the one that means the most to us. 

It is my mother-in-law’s recipe, written and baked as a November 14, 1934 class assignment.

According to the notes in her workbook, she had the choice of date bread, orange bread or…brownies.

Great choice! Somehow, more than eighty years later, I can’t picture us going gaga over date bread.

Margaret’s Brownie Recipe



Test: Slightly shrunk from sides of pan. Cut carefully into strips. Allow to stand 5-10 minutes. Remove with spatula. 

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