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Home Remedies

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Natural Home Remedies

Grandmas swore by these home remedies. Well at least mine did!

Remember the days long ago when your Grandmother (and great-grandmother) dipped into their repertoire of natural herbal cures and slapped a warm mustard pack to our congested chests when we had a cold?

On more than one occasion, Dad recalled, complete with grimacing, his “sassafras” treatments and spoonfuls of cod liver oil.

Guess I am dating myself but I clearly remember some of these home remedies, including the chicken soup for colds. We still use some of them because they work but we do not rely on them exclusively.

Be it in Europe or in the United States, distances between townships, limited funds, and the lack of readily available medical professionals and facilities all dictated that a woman be not only a wife, mother, and housekeeper, but doctor as well.

Case in point, I was born at home…not in a hospital.

Folklore healing practices, curative uses of herbs, and other medicinal “family secrets” were stealthily guarded and passed down from one generation to the next.

Mind you, we must stress that the following article is for general information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

Be sure to seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professionals if you have any concerns about your health-particularly during the flu season.

Natural cures and home remedies may not be applicable to everyone (in fact, you may not believe in the efficacy of home remedies aat all)and they could be detrimental to your overall health if not discussed with your physician as to possible interaction with any prescribed medication you may be taking.

Old Time Tip For Colds! A molasses and vinegar syrup made of “One-half cup of molasses, butter the size of a hickory nut, one tablespoon vinegar, boil together. Dose: One teaspoonful or less as the case requires. Take often until relieved. This is an old remedy and a good one.”

Some of those famous cures were not cures at all and little by little through the years, suspicion as to the validity of any natural remedy began to take shape.

We’re not talking about reading the tea leaves or the coffee ground in the bottom of the cup to foretell the future (although we’ve been witness to such readings in several foreign countries).

As a result, some modern day medical practitioners regard the medicinal use of herbs as sheer “quackery” or nothing more than old-wives tales.

Speaking from personal experience, some doctors will outright ridicule the mere mention of herbal remedies and refuse to even discuss the possibility that these home cures might work under certain circumstances.

There are, however, a growing number of otherwise conventional medical professionals who acknowledge that Grandmother’s cures did and still do work. Natural, herbal remedies as a means to maintain good health and cure certain diseases are indeed valid.

Yes, nature’s drug store is making a comeback.

In fact, we’ve enjoyed fantastic results combining home remedies under the direction of a licensed and board certified Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

This doctor is trained in both natural medicine and pharmaceutical medicine and the prescribed therapies include clinical nutrition, herbal medicine and nutritional supplements, as well as standard medical treatments and pharmaceutical medications.

Another Vintage Tip For A Cold! Rock Candy Syrup made up from ten cents worth of rock candy; one pint of whiskey; one pint of water; fifteen cents worth of glycerine; mix all together; this will syrup itself.” Take one teaspoonful as often as necessary. This is excellent. Sure enough…You won’t feel a thing!

And why should that be surprising? After all, we — like plants — are organic. It is the synthetic drugs used today that were formulated to mimic their natural counterparts, and not the other way around. In days of old, there was no other way to treat illness and discomfort, help heal wounds, or cure bodily dysfunctions than with natural means.

TIP! Hot lemonade sweetened with honey and a hot bath: A old timey quick fix that works like a charm and goes a long way towards making you feel better.
Hot herb teas for a cold: Ginger tea, catnip, hoarhound, pennyroyal, etc. hot, are all good to produce sweating and thus relieve cold.

By working with, and not against nature, we increase our chance of a more healthy life, while decreasing our risk of disease and premature bodily limitations and dysfunctions.

A wealth of healing resources is there for the taking, if we but open our eyes to the possibilities available.

Old Timey Bronchitis Remedy! This is a well-known remedy from the turn of the century when 2 ounces of cod liver oil, perhaps flavored with oil of cloves and ginger syrup was given for bronchitis in the following dosage: “A teaspoonful before meals and at bedtime, as the cod liver oil by its general action tones up the whole system. The ginger tones and stimulates the stomach and takes away the sickening effect of the cod liver oil…Poor Dad – now I know why you made those grimaces!

Many herbs have medicinal properties.

Home Remedies for a Cough! Well all have these in our pantry – “Honey and vinegar: This is an old and tried remedy and a good one. The vinegar cuts the phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, and the honey is very soothing.”
“Lemon juice and sugar is a good remedy for coughs. It is surprising to see how quickly the lemon juice will cut the phlegm in throat, and sugar is always good for cold.”

Natural or herbal remedies should never be used with synthetic or prescription drugs without the prescribing doctor’s knowledge.

Grapefruit is effective in reducing high levels of cholesterol but should not be taken in combination with certain prescribed medications also meant to lower cholesterol. This fact is part of the medical warning on many cholesterol-reducing medications.

Because many of nature’s offerings in home remedies do have potent medical and health enhancing properties, become knowledgeable about the benefits and cautions of each ingredient.

Like any medication, increasing concentrations, doses, or mixing one with another for medicinal purposes could be harmful instead of helpful. Mixing natural and herbal remedies with synthetic prescriptions and medications is not recommended, unless prescribed by a doctor as an enhancement.

Instead of rebelling against nature, we can become more in tune with the gifts endowed by nature. The same health laws that apply to the animal kingdom also apply to man.

We have something valuable to relearn from our wild counterparts. By embracing nature and the natural, we can also enhance our health and increase our longevity through the use of carefully chosen home remedies.

Find “Home Remedies” In Local Health Food Stores

The Natural Grocer has been in Woodbridge, Virginia for a very long time.  It sure seems that way.  We now also have a Vitamin Shoppe, located at 14065 Shoppers Best Way,  just off the Prince William Parkway in Woodbridge, Virginia, wedged between Chuck E Cheese and the parkway.

Can The Vitamin Shoppe Help You?

Oddly enough, not everyone (not even in our family!) believes in the benefits of various health food products or even in the necessity for taking basic vitamins and minerals.

But then again, they (and certain medical pros) cannot overlook certain results achieved against all odds and strictly due to the use of  herbal supplements and home remedies. But that’s another long story…

The Vitamin Shoppe carries the most recognizable names in vitamin, mineral, sports nutrition products and alternative health supplements.

They have a large refrigerated case with protein shakes and endurance drinks, low carb beverages and other sports and energy drinks.

I find the staff knowledgeable and helpful, always ready to help answer questions or locate a product on the well-stocked shelves.  The website is helpful as well with helpful reviews on their top rated products.

Ways To Save With A Vitamin Shoppe Membership

Why not take advantage of the Vitamin Shoppe’s monthly discounts? Can’t beat the Vitamin Shoppe membership discounts!

 Grandma’s Home Remedies & Problem Solvers For Your Health

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